Monday, May 4, 2009

51ST. Whatever it is...

Not continue from last post, this post will be a brand new post, which I have no idea what I am going to talk about. Well… Anything la… Just blogging, while I am waiting…
I felt very sleepy today, especially now… In the evening, I was trying to take a short nap, but because of the weather and my dog, I couldn’t sleep well. Recently I believe most of us experienced the mighty power of the sun. Why is it so hot in Melaka? This is why I will never like sunny day… I love raining day, because it won’t make me sweat and it made me feel windy… I rather cool until die than hot until die.

Just now at night, I never go out. Not that I don’t want to go out, it was because I have no place to go… I don’t feel like going Jonker, don’t feel like drinking beer, don’t feel like watching movie, and don’t feel like going to cafĂ©. What’s wrong with me? Most of my friends are rushing their final year project. Some of them are at the stage of completing; some of them need the blessing from the God. Luckily accounting student does not need to do final year project.

Wait, I got the feeling that I start to emo now. But why? Why am I emo? Maybe it is due to not enough sleep la. Hey wait, since when I will emo because of this reason? My brain is blank, is as clean as a paper, does not have any note of word, because I can’t think of any. It is considered good cause I am still be able to write a post when my mind had already stop functioning, for current moment.

Oh my god, this is a damn boring post. Whatever, the next one will be a interesting one… I promise…