Tuesday, November 11, 2008

29TH. I am Suckz in Mandarin...

Honestly speaking, I want to blogging today, and I feel like writing a Mandarin blog today. But don’t know why, I spent about one hour sitting down in front of my laptop, I can’t come out a shit. This is the first time ever I feel like writing in English is thousand times easier than writing in Mandarin. May be I have got nothing to write in Mandarin, or may be is because my Mandarin is sucks… I told this to my friends most of the time, and I am not lying, I got 1 out of 100 during my form four Mandarin Midterm test. And I think I am the first Mandarin in my secondary school who ever did that.

Since ever I was in my primary school, my other languages are always better than my Mandarin, and yea, I know, Mandarin is my mother tongue. My Mandarin teacher always asks me why, but I just couldn’t give them a proper answer. And this is one of the reasons why my parent doesn’t want to send me to Pay Fong Secondary School. They think that I can’t survive in that school, so they sent me to Gajah Berang Secondary School, named GBS. Before I actually went to that school, my friends were freaking me up by telling me the ‘rumors’ of GBS. They said GBS also known as ‘Gila Babi School’, ‘Gengster Boy School’, and a lot some more. Whatever name that you can think of by using the alphabet ‘G.B.S’, it already in their mind, I mean, in the student mind.

My result at that time not very good, and I didn’t really score in my PMR, but I still took Mandarin subject. The reason why is one of my teacher always said, ‘can you call yourself a Mandarin if you never take Mandarin subject?’. Ok, it makes sense, and I think I got a ‘C’ for my Mandarin. During form four, Mandarin become an after school subject, it mean it is no longer in my regular morning timetable again. That was the beginning for my journey of termination Mandarin in my life. I register my name under the Mandarin class, but guess what, I always skip the class and went to play basketball. Yea, I never attend a single class of that Mandarin class, and my teacher get piss off of me. I never study and I went to take the midterm test. I thought it was easy and it will be something like form three Mandarin, but it was a different level for me, I can’t do at all. I managed to crap till two questions, and I submitted to the teacher. When I got back my paper, I got 1 mark. How I got this 1 mark? I did two questions, and one was correct, that was how I got my very 1 mark. I never tell my mom about this, and I just told her that I want to drop my Mandarin. Surprisingly, my mom said ‘anything la’ to me. That’s why I love my mom so much. So I didn’t register Mandarin for my SPM.

Oh my god… Why I can write so much in English but so little in Mandarin? Okie, no matter what, I am going to come out a Mandarin blog next time, I promise, I have to, to prove that I am a Chinese… Ok, that’s all. Bye…